Wednesday, 16 June 2010

ActiveState Komodo IDE 5.2

I have been using ActiveState Komodo on Windows for almost a year now, mostly for Python development, with some legacy Perl maintenance and Bash scripting.

Komodo is a solid but unexciting IDE. It makes a fair stab at providing contextual information in dynamic languages and does a very good job at flagging syntax errors.

One thing it is really not very good at is multi-monitor support. The various panels and sub-windows are all solidly docked in the parent window and cannot be dragged to a second monitor, which severely impacts how much code you can see at once.

The other not-so-great thing is start up time, which can take the better part of a minute if it's reopening a few dozen very small source files. This is a small complaint since I really only start it after a machine restart and that doesn't happen very often.

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