Monday, 23 April 2007


Waaa waaa someone call the wambulance. What a lot of whining there is in the previous posts. Now for something completely different.

I subscribed to DSL with Orcon and received my Siemens DSL modem. Yay for convergence -- it's a DSL modem, router and wireless hub all in one. You plug it in, and configure it using a wired connection. The configuration software is a breeze. All done in under five minutes.

Performance seems good, although we might have a few dead spots around the house when using a wireless connection.

There's no phone jack in our office downstairs so for now the DSL modem is sitting in a corner in the playroom. The attentive reader might wonder if I am deliberately careless (spilling coffee on laptops, putting cell phones in my back pocket while roller blading, putting DSL modems in children's play areas) but it's only for a little while... until we get an electrician to install a jack in our office. What could possibly go wrong?

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